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Great Music AND Transformative Leadership

Here’s what the path of least resistance often looks like for some of us who lead worship communities: We surround ourselves with the best musicians we can find and sing the most popular songs available. As things come together, we experience a rush of emotion and satisfaction. But this fades
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Talk is cheap…but doesn’t have to be!

Worship leaders often ask me how much talking should be included during a worship set. Like you, I’ve been in worship services where there was a mini-sermon between each song. Other times, the music felt more like a concert where nothing much was communicated except the songs. So here are
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God Sings

Can you imagine hearing God sing over you? Can you picture Him rejoicing over you? What must that sound like? Look like? Take a moment and close your eyes and imagine. Allow your mind to picture the God of the Universe dancing, rejoicing and singing. Over you! Several years ago
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Holy Rain

Growing up in the South, we always referred to a slow rain as a sprinkling. Others called it a mist or a drizzle. Whatever you call it, it gets everything wet. If you watch the grass or a bed of flowers during a sprinkling, it seems like the flowers take
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Get Your Armor On

Bottom line: The enemy is after your soul. Scary? It’s just truth. He seeks to destroy all that is good. And it doesn’t matter how long it takes or what hoops he has to jump through. The chance of taking you down is the fuel that keeps him motivated. However,
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